[UltraVid id=157 ]http://www.scenar-tr.com/
Dr. Swetlana STETSENKO
[UltraVid id=157 ]http://www.scenar-tr.com/
Dr. Swetlana STETSENKO
[UltraVid id=156 ]http://www.scenar-tr.com/
Dr. Swetlana STETSENKO
[UltraVid id=155 ]Saba's Burton Luisi right so it's now Thursday afternoon just trying to change them texting for moms I just got home and I'm going to be making myself protein shake and have banana water protein glutamine creatine all the good stuff and yeah I want to talk about something and I'll get back to that soon right so got my protein I don't taste damn good as always but my finishes and I'll come back sup guys Andres here back with another video and today I'm going to be talking about flatulence it's something that we all have to deal with some people worse than others and being a vegan and a bodybuilder with a high protein diet definitely no exception to the rule I think I caught the raw end of the deal when it comes to flatulence something that I've had to deal with you know and people around me I've had to deal with every day and it's something that I don't want to have to deal with so what I've been doing lately is a bit of research into it causes of it and some home remedies that we can do to prevent it so that's what I'm going to be talking about today so there's a few things that cause flatulence and one one of the things that really surprised me was how you chew your food now if you don't really chew your food much and you just take big bites and swallow things quite whole basically what's happening is the food is going down down your throat into your stomach in big pieces so your digestive system has to work a lot harder to break the foods down which can cause a lot more strain a lot more stress and a high release of gas now that's something that I wasn't aware of I never thought about like that and personally of a fast eater I take big bites big mouthfuls and a lot of that I tribute to having braces so because food gets stuck in my braces I tend to not chew as much as I should so I think that's why I'm fighting so damn much but anyway I've tried recently eating my food a little bit slower and chewing a lot more I definitely notice the difference the the amount of times I bite it in a day has reduced dramatically now it has introduced the severity of the smell but definitely reduced the frequency another thing obviously that can cause gas inocent flatulence is certain foods broccoli cabbage brussel sprouts and beans are very notorious for this and unfortunately being a vegan bodybuilder beans are staple in my diet a lot of beans every day and that's just something I'm going to have to deal with but in saying that there are other home remedies out there that you can utilize to help reduce the frequency and the severity of your flatulence so from my research what I found that having ginger can help and the way to have it is by having like a ginger tea to boiling up some fresh ginger in a tea and dressing it after your meal it can help with digestion which can also which will relieve flatulence another thing is I read that if you tried cheering on mint leaves after eating that can also help I haven't yet to try that one it sounds interesting hope it works what I did try recently is cardamom I sprinkle some of that with my rice and beans pre-workout and it's hard to say if it helps much or not because of what I said earlier about chewing a lot more and I definitely noticed that help with that so it's hard to save the cardamom itself is doing anything or not but I did notice today especially that I didn't have as much of a gas buildup to my stomach and I wasn't fighting as much as I normally do and believe me it can be pretty damn bad just asked my roommate or my partner oh but um yeah those are some quick and easy home remedies something that everyone should have in their cupboard somewhere in the pantry is bicarb so that now read the bicarb soda with a little bit of lemon juice and room-temperature water drinking that pre or post meal can also help so I'll give that one a go but yeah you can definitely give that one a go cheap easy everyone should have access to buy cups of it and left and lemons bicarb soda not sober but yeah those are some quick easy cheaper and these to give to try if you have any other remedies that you know of that I didn't list eight please leave them in the comment section below I always want to try new things to help with my farting ass I anyway give this video a like if you found it useful share with your friends share with the other vegan bodybuilder out there who have this farting problem but I yeah anyway guys catch in the next video [Music]
[UltraVid id=154 ]hey guys Andres here back in another video and in today's video I'm going to taking you through a full meal prep haven't done one of these videos report assembly something brand-new for you guys so stick around and I hope you enjoy it so I'm about to do my meal prep video but I don't have any flaxseed meal and that is a staple of my breakfast diet so I'm going to go for a ride down to Sid market and get myself some flaxseed meal yeah boy [Music] so what's the first thing that we're going to do so for the start of our meal prep before we do anything what we want to do is we want to get two pans on the hot plate now and when I switch them on to around about a medium-high heat next step is when we get out of and set on to about 200 degrees all right we get one beat oven tray forward up and ready to go the oven is on the pans are on so let's get into it obviously we need some calves what we're going to do in our cooking is my so three cups of rice and I'm from eight cups of water and put cougar on and let that cook okay for what I have here for my meals are a couple of different options for frozen veggies these ones are going to be for meal throughout the day and this is going to be for dinner what we're going to do with both these there's two pans that we tucked on before we're going to put these in there and we're going to stir fry them up quite simply get your packet of frozen veg and empty it into one can [Music] next thing we have is we have three days where the tofu and you're having 300 grams each day and instead of frying these up what are we going to be doing he's cutting them up putting them on the baking tray and then chop them in the oven so let's get into it [Music] you [Music] and all right so tofu is ready we'll let that cool down here for a while before you start plating it up right now the veggies are cooked we're going to let them sit here and rest for a while the tofu is cooled down and if they do come down and the rice is still cooking what we can do is we can start assembling our breakfast so let's get into that now so this is where you will need three containers because we're doing three days worth of food you need to sell some quick oats some flaxseed meal three bananas and some cinnamon so the first step is we're going to be weighing out 50 grams of oats for me [Music] next step once we've done that is we're going to be weighing at 60 grams of ground flaxseed meal permeate [Music] the next thing I do is we're going to add some cinnamon the amount can be as much as you want or as little as you want I like to just do it by eye [Music] so basically what we have here is we have three days worth of breakfast and I'm going to be showing you how to actually eat this meal in a second so the way this meal you actually eat it is you take your dry mix the add in about one cup water or one cup of plain milk of your choice and mix it together make sure that you scrape the sides as you want to put it in the microwave for about one and a half to two minutes alright now that that's cooked for about a minute and a half the consistency is a lot thicker just give it a bit of a mix you can have this cold you don't have to microwave it I like to microwave because I like to have a warm breakfast especially for those winter mornings all right so the next step is we're going to add the banana so get your banana and simply just chop it in however you want and then what I like to do is I like to mash the banana voila and that is breakfast next step is going to be play up or dishing up the beans or our pre-workout and post-workout meals now what I'm going to be doing is the two cans of being this at a time and we have one can of black beans one can cure business so what we're going to do with the first one we're going to add 240 grams 2 mini 240 the first one and then Chuck in more mass now to shout the remaining beans in the same fashion and we're going to continue prepping the rest of the meals now that we have all the beans sorted out what I'm going to do is distribute that tired stir fry veggie mix I have into three of these it's going to be for the dinners [Music] you [Music] but while we wait for that rice to finish cooking let's get on to lunch all right so this is going to be my second meal of the day and it's going to be tofu with stir-fried veggies so the other the other veggies that I had stir fine what we're going to do is going to distribute them evenly into three meals all right now that sound what we're going to do is we're going to add our tofu and we add in 150 grams each meal now because I've kept it nice and simple when I was cooking down what I prepped it before I cooked it it's going to be easy got my three stacks 150 grams each she's going to cut off a little bit more and add into each meal [Music] now this meal might seem like a small meal but I use it as a filler just between breakfast and my lunch I'm just going to be a very simple meal it's going to be a salad what we're going to do is we're going to put it together but we're not going to prep it fully because it is a salad if you prep it a few days ahead it's not going to last as well the spinach is going to wilt down avocado is going to go Brown so what we're going to do is we're going to assemble parts of it and put it in containers and then what you can do is the morning of is then you can fully prep it from there so step is we're going to get our spinach and distribute it even now of course before you add your tofu to the screen chelation eat okra has been fully cooled down or else it's going to wilt it too much except is going to add apps Milo's we just added in to each one but we won't cut it up just yet so what you want to do is you want to cut it up the night before with the tahini what what you can do is just chuck in a spoonful now and when you are ready to eat it mix it in [Music] you what we want to do is we can add some black pepper and of course some salt [Applause] what I also add to this before I am race eat it is old dress of I'll cut up the avocado mix it in there and I also add in some apple cider vinegar just gives a little bit more Tang and that is lunch done now that our rice is done cooking we can start distributing it to the rest of our meals so we'll get into that now all right so what we're going to do is we're going to add the rice into the milk so trying to 50 grams pre-workout and 200 grams post-workout and then we have it there is our pre-workout and post-workout meals for three days done and then we have it three days worth of meals all prepped and ready to go we've got a breakfast our second meal we've got our pre-workout you've got a post-workout and we've got our lunch all ready to go I hope you guys enjoyed today's video and I hope this helped you with your meal prep giving you a few ideas anything like that if you have any other great meal ideas of great recipes or ways to prep please leave them down in comments section below or is love getting messages from you guys and yeah don't forget to Like comment subscribe and I'll see you guys in the next video [Music] you
[UltraVid id=153 ][Music] now it unlike me you are drinker and you need a hangover cure this probably do the trick it's all good spinach for glutamine greens powder BCA's recovery your muscles lemon juice vitamin C all this is you're going to help hydrate you those electrolytes actions going to help rid your body of all those nasty toxins from drinking yeah Morpheus Isis Saturday afternoon I haven't really eaten much today I've had a green smoothie and I've had a tofu salad I'm going to be having a pre-workout meal soon we go training but right now what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to pick up my dessert for tonight my epic monster donut from donut time so we're going there now [Music] [Music] and that is a big boy some heading up to the gym now jumping on the bike and be training arms [Music] I [Music] I am starving haven't eaten much all day so this is going to fill some of those nutritional gaps there she is fully vegan red velvet donor with chocolate ripple biscuits chocolate drizzle and vegan cream icing I don't even know what if you do for wha it's so soft the chewy delicious you mean BAE so two out there say I don't want to go to Yuma because I don't want to give up their favorite foods well look that's the selfish statement that's saying that your tastes pleasures are more important than the lives of other beings out there your taste buds and we're important and you would happily contribute to the suffering and death of some animals now look you don't have to give up taste when you go vegan look at this this is a freakin donor entirely vegan no one died could make this monstrosity sugary deliciousness I haven't given up anything I've added value to my life and I still get to eat delicious food sorry if you're not vegan think about that [Music] [Applause] [Music] damn another fish you know one or two and don't forget to subscribe if you have more my chocolate videos out every week it's been a little bit slack with what comes in Miami but still businessman and put me down yeah I'll see you guys next year right [Music]
[UltraVid id=152 ]classic Sunday vlog time alright I'm off to my mum's place now and then we're going to go hit up Bunnings if you don't know what Bunny's is it's a massive hardware store that we have here in Australia it's not the nicest day here's Norton – originally a haircut – but anyway you know jump in the car and drive over there now all right we're in bunnies now and while I was looking for some seedlings see she's looking for kale and spinach the classic vegan options but they've all run out of kale you ask you can go I'll keep looking sound the kale this would be the most vegan thing I ever do [Music] [Music] all right some in the carpark and in the shopping center in there is apparently one of the Gold Coast's biggest big in selection shops I guess you could say well it's a normal mark like supermarket type shop but they've got one of these vegan ranges available on the Gold Coast so I'm pretty excited to see what they got and probably going to get myself some treats for tonight so let's go a look that's my old work I used to work there so this is a place Holly railroad market let's give a look [Music] now definitely going to get me when I use my favorite some back from the shop I only got three things and I don't normally get things like this because they are expensive over here in Australia especially now I've got myself some Jardine groundlessly so I'm making spaghetti bolognaise tonight and to dessert got myself some vanilla fudge ice cream pie tofutti is it so fruity or tofutti whatever cook yeah tofutti but yeah this looks good only at home for this melts and for right now so myself a comforter of course the remedy brand see very low calorie in fact 23 calories per serve five grams of carbs and great for your digestive system good man so it's now time for my pre-workout meal and I'm going to have something a little bit different I like to record when I eat different foods to give you guys ideas of something you might want to try so at this point it seems pretty normal I've got some chickpeas and I'm about to put them in the blender but this is where it gets interesting now at this point you're probably thinking what the hell are you doing banana and chickpeas well I don't know I it probably tastes good okay we'll find out oh yeah look at that goodness come on come on yeah we'll put a little bit more cinnamon on top just because I love my cinnamon plaintiff health benefits of course good for diabetics great for your blood sugar levels we have my special high-protein pre-workout baby food I know it's going to taste good well tastes like chickpeas in bananas but it's not that bad the initial flavor you can take as a banana and then the chickpea starts to sit through after but a shuttle you could probably do a little bit more sweetener or a little bit more Finley in there just to balance it out but damn this clear it's actually nice it's actually yeah nicer than I thought um but yeah babe – homemade high-protein baby food perfect because gym procedure carb you protein low-fat or put salt in there as well but yeah you guys should definitely try this recipe I'm just about to head off to the gym and I just started pissing down like it was raining before but as soon as I open the door is just like no you know what you want to go outside so have some more rain all right so I'm going to run to my car and hopefully not get too wet so I made it like a little bit wet plus today a little bit little dotty but as you can see they're running pretty hard dangerous driving in the rain so of course I will drive safely but now it's time to get to gym [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] now I forgot to record my dinner but basically what I had was I made a vegan spaghetti bolognaise I used the Gardein beefless ground mint now with one onion one carrot some garlic and I used a pasta sauce basically just cooked it and then I added that to some fettuccine and that was my dinner and then for dessert I had the tofutti vanilla fudge frozen dessert it wasn't an ice cream was more like a mousse it was really really good and then after that I had some pancakes so yeah I had a good night anyway guys thanks for watching my video today and I do want to announce the second one into my competition so this is your name below you are the lucky winner and don't forget to contact me to claim your prize and I want to pose a question to you guys what do you want to see that videos on do you have any specific topics any questions you want answered leave them in the comment section below because I want to make some new videos but I want to make what you guys want to see alright so yeah they've been down below alright guys thanks for watching and I'll see in the next video [Music] [Music]
[UltraVid id=151 ]what's up guys I'm Janice here back with another video today and this today's video I'm going to be discussing the health benefits of when you go times based now making this video said because a friend of mine messaged me telling me that she wants to try going vegan for 30 days to see how it feels and she wanted me to sell it to her basically but not from a vegan perspective more from a plant basis perspective and the health benefits associated with eating a plant-based diet as opposed to eating an omnivorous diet so what I've done is I've written down a few points that I know from research and from experience myself are the benefits of a heart based diet so let's get into it so the first point I wanna address is micronutrients micronutrients are often overlooked especially in the health and fitness bodybuilding industry people often look at the macronutrients of the micronutrients when in fact micronutrients are what determines our health it's all good to be getting you know the right amount of protein carbs and fats but if you're not hitting your micronutrients daily your health is going to suffer if you're eating a whole food plant-based diet you're more likely going to be incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet fruits and vegetables up full of micronutrients full of vitamins full of minerals so you need to ensure that you're getting the correct micronutrients daily things like vitamin C vitamin A vitamin D calcium zinc the only thing that vegans or plant-based people on a plant-based diet may have to substitute is vitamin b12 so vitamin b12 you get when you eat meat right but where does the meat get is vitamin b12 from when the meat is still alive and an animal farmers have to inject that animal with b12 shots now that's the same thing as I start get a supplement the reason we don't have b-12 naturally-occurring anymore is because one our soil is so degraded that is not found naturally in soil anymore and two we treat our waters we don't get it from there so we have to supplement with it just like animals do the next point that one discuss is once you go to plant base you're more likely going to be eating less protein in your diet which in turn is going to put less stress on your digestive system now we've all heard this that eating a high protein diet your body takes more energy to break that protein down when compared to things like carbohydrates or fats now that's true the body does use more energy to break down protein and what that does or what that means is what is drawn from places like your brain down to your gut to focus hard on trying to digest all this protein that you're constantly filling your body with now have you ever had a big meal and then feel lazy or lethargic or sleepy after that meal that's because the blood is traveling from your brain down till you got to digest all that food now when you're feeding your body a lot of protein the same things happening constantly you're putting a lot of strain in that area so you body has to work harder has to work overtime to break it down things like meat and animal protein actually can take two through times longer than plant-based food to be broken down and fully digested and flushed now this is why people who are a high animal protein diet usually suffer from things like constipation and IBS more commonly now this leads into my next point which is bowel movement when you go to plant-based and you're eating Whole Foods you're going to be having a higher fiber diet which basically means you're going to be a lot more regular and your colon is going to be clean well from one perspective it's going to be cleaning itself out more regularly I don't know if it's actually going to be clean in the sense that because it's going to be filled with now you might find yourself cooking a lot more than usual now this is a good thing because it means your body is not struggling to break down the foods that you're feeding it so don't be scared if you're pooping two to three times a day that's normal once you go on a plant-based diet the next point I want to address is gut health or more gut inflammation when we consume things like meat eggs or dairy our body or add guts can become inflamed because our bodies are not designed to break these things down and gut health is very important for your overall health it can affect how you're feeling on the inside and on the outside your gut health will also affect your immune system so by having a healthy gut you're going to have or you're going to support your immune system and have a healthy sort of immune system if your gut is inflamed and constantly aggravated your immune system is going to suffer your health is going to decline and that is not good if you want to be a healthy human being the worst offender in this category I would say will have to be daring because as humans our bodies aren't designed to break down other mammals milks it's designed for those other mammals babies our bodies lack the necessary enzymes to break down things like lactose and that's why so much of the population on earth is lactose intolerant think about it why do so many people report feeling sick or bloated or just not right after eating dairy products or drinking milk it's because we're not meant to drink it we're not meant to eat dairy it's made for baby cows think about it so rather the next thing that I want to bring up is energy levels once you go to plant-based you're more likely to increase your carbohydrate intake now carbohydrates are basically humans primary fuel source our body runs on glucose so when we take in carbohydrate our bodies break it down into into a simplest form which is glucose that bank goes into our blood converts the energy and keeps us alive now plant-based foods are high carbohydrate foods it makes sense that once you start eating more carbs and less fats and loot and less protein your body is going to be working a lot more efficiently which means you're going to have an increase in your overall energy levels I remember when I first went vegan the first week or two I just remember jumping out of bed every day I remember going to the gym and just hitting PBS because my strength was done through the roof that's because my carbohydrate had increased significantly and I reduced my protein intake and my fat intake slightly I had all this extra energy and it just helped me make better gains in the gym so for me that's a plus so by eliminating animal products from your diet you're also going to be eliminating cholesterol and most likely going to be eliminating saturated fat intake this is a good thing because having high cholesterol and a high saturated fat intake are linked to the highest cause of death in humans and that's things like heart disease diabetes cancer so by eliminating these things from your diet you're going to be reducing your risk from developing these chronic illnesses now we've already discussed the benefits that he can have for your insides but what about your outsides so if you're going to be eating less processed food less refined sugar eliminating dairy eliminating meat eliminating eggs lynnae's all animal products the health benefits on the outside are awesome you're going to notice that your hair is going to grow faster it's going to be stronger your nails and grow faster and be a lot stronger and a lot healthier and if you suffer from things like acne or pimples or get you know regular breakouts if you're reducing animal products from your diet you're going to help clear up your skin you're going to get that nice vegan in everybody wants to have nice skin don't they now if you feel like I've missed something or have anything else to add to this please leave it down in the comment section below I love when you guys contact me I love getting feedback from you guys and if you haven't already subscribed please consider subscribing I try to put out at least two videos a week and I cover things on veganism health bodybuilding I also upload blogs if you have any topic that you want me to discuss let me know down below and yeah don't forget to give this video like share with your friends and I'll see you guys in the next video ah and if you did notice I'm wearing my vegan athlete shirt which I got from my new sponsors living engine I'll put a link to their website down below and you can use my coupon here to get 10% off your order go check those guys out now [Music]
[UltraVid id=150 ]what everybody is Saturday morning and it is pretty crappy weather outside you can see it's pretty great pretty overcast I just wanted my morning cardio run from war started raining on me luckily I have my umbrella but right now I'm having just some BCA's and lemon juice a little bit of water it's about 9:00 9:00 a.m. I don't feel like eating yet so I'm just trying to get some liquids in me stay hydrated and I'll probably have my first meal in about an hour so so today I'm going to take you through a full day eating as well everything I'm eating today because you guys love those videos so much so when I start eating I'm going to start recording again right now I'm going to go play some battlefield hi guys so this is the first meal of the day I've got in there some baby spinach and kale tomato quarter of an avocado about 150 grams of hard tofu and I've dress it with salt pepper and apple cider vinegar so I'll put the macros on screen now and I'm going to go to moist this well you plop plop-plop-plop-plop you go just drop your gloves off so going down to grab get a haircut now as you can see it's still very crappy cloudy day but tomorrow's first to clear up it's been freaking raining all week here so I'm pretty keen for the Sun to come back out because I want to go down to the beach and go for a walk down there anyway I'm going to get checked out and then I'll come back and eat lunch and show you what I eat so I'm back got my nectar looking fresh and I just went to the shops or went to the grocery store and got a few things so I'll show you what I got it's nothing interesting I just have like frickin no food in the house I haven't done my own prep I want to be doing that till tomorrow so I just got a couple of things I'm going to be eating maybe tonight maybe later I don't know I just got a few things rather look all right out of the way so first thing I got paper towels very important to have in the house but also got some baby spinach love that stuff really really good for you and tomatoes will I can bucks and kilo at the moment so yeah just some little filled cherry tomatoes I didn't want to spend ten bucks on tomatoes it's just not worth it and bananas they're also expensive my three dollars eighty eight kilos like for old 64 this bunch of six bananas totally hating the prices at the moment now these yeah got myself some rice cakes the sun-dried tomato and basil flavor these are my favorite I'm going to be having these today instead of rice and they are full of sodium and they're going to just give me nice nice pump when I train arms later today also got three blocks of tofu that'll be for my prep tomorrow already got some cooked moment and I got myself two bags of this cauliflower and broccoli mix just because I'd love broccoli and I love cauliflower and I feel like being healthy today and just eating vegetables with my next meal and also got packet of mix frozen berries that's what I got alright so I'm going to make my next meal now which is going to be frozen veggies or broccoli and close our and tofu so I wasn't going to have this boring or steamed broccoli and cauliflower and my boring tofu but I was like you know what it's the weekend I got time I'm going to make this taste good so I'm currently in a stir-fry this with some soy sauce what else do I have make some ginger and some cumin seeds I've always go down well I think those are maybe some paprika a color of course and I'm Chuck corner of an AVO in there just to try to thicken it up a little bit and because I need my fat all right and then we have it looks pretty damn good that's my tofu broccoli and cauliflower stir-fry with avocado and we'll put the macros on-screen for you now see you guys if you want to make it you know exactly how many calories how many proteins how many cups and how many factor in this meal alright so aside from my pre-workout meal I was actually just miring my arm vascularity here and thinking it's going to get a whole lot better once I have some carbs and some salt drop drop drop Oh blah blah blah we have it we've got my mash kidney beans 20 40 grams and about 95 grams of these sun-dried tomato and basil rice cakes I mean it look at all that freaking flavor sodium central baby that mmm I love rice Wow you know sometimes I wonder why I even make these YouTube videos my life is so goddamn boring that's where the highlight of my day every day is going to the gym and eating food is that a sad life of what let me know in the comment section down below [Music] [Music] good dog good dog up you dog well I guess I put the gay guy stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop [Music] I'm down the gym now finish training arms how to sign up a little bit of posing and now I'm heading off into mermaid down the highway just to grab some treats and I'll show you guys what that is [Music] that's right ladies and gentlemen got myself some donuts honey I'm home how are you darling splendid cooking dinner oh how sweet whoo damn I saw back from the gym now Blaine's kindly put my potatoes in the oven that I'll have for dinner got my donut sitting there ready for dessert so right now I'm just having a protein shake to make sure I have my protein requirements from the day yeah I'll show you guys why eat for dinner soon when we do sauce it up looking bloody good all right so demolish my dinner it was bloody beautiful now his dessert time I've got myself or a delicious doughnuts here from doing our time shout out to my friend and little hooking me up here this one right here is a like cream frosting with hundreds and thousands unlike a plain sort of donor this is a chai doughnut eager to try that one got red velvet and caramel pretzel with chocolate so pretty bloody excited eat all these they're all begin where to start me I'll try this one first I'll put a lot of pressure [Music] well how sticky right right I'll have these two or so I'm going to try that one now look sighs a filling inside [Music] really young was like a try weighted filling good lady so quickly [Music] that cream frosting oh yeah look at these I don't keep watching a movie for you combination all your ears any wouldn't use abuses that's my diabetes hope you enjoyed it that kids like comment share subscribe remember without two videos a week so subscribe now if you haven't already and yeah I'll see you guys next year [Music]
[UltraVid id=149 ]then I could feel that all right I'm here with the maid days going to get some skin our treatment never had it before don't know anything about it he's going to explain what it is and how it works you okay scanner it's electronic pulse frequency healing what you do is you place it and you work the device on the on the area of this that's causing pain so pain management area yeah or post surgery as well okay so my tricep is it give me a bit of a niggle so I'm going to work that today yeah and what it does is it picks up damaged nerve endings so which is always the case in pain management areas so we're thinking with very stimulating those damaged nerve endings to your central nervous system in turn turns on your body's own healing switches in the brain so it's it's it re recognizes it's got an injury there to go and do it on its own rapid healing okay cool developed by the Russian space agency in the 80s for their astronauts and space for when they do it themselves yeah and they don't have medications they can treat it and heal it interesting awesome awesome for oh yeah right ice alright so we just I just need your arm relaxed yep okay and I'm going to be getting here yep so the first thing we do is turn the device on okay and we're going to I'm going to place it on your skin these are unrealistic lip folks on your skin and we're just going to get a free you're going to start turning the frequency up okay yeah we want to find a frequency that you can tolerate you don't want to start biting your skin or clarify it needs to stay comfortable so it will work regardless but I will see the higher the better the frequency ceiling that yeah I can fill out is it comfortable yeah okay can manage that okay we'll just keep we'll keep tuning it up because I want it to get to a point where you go out okay okay kill that like most it's none if you feel like pulsing in down my arm like you've got a high tolerance tolerance yeah very high it's gone on me still not too high yeah that's right Wow yeah I mean I love like deep tissue massage and yep so yeah like that but get hang it high to get me yeah yeah yeah skew yeah a little bit more I think yeah I think there we go yeah that there yeah feels quite like hot you know yeah so the first thing we do is cool brushing yep so and you can hear the device working yeah I feel that – hi now he's dying right already oh really – it's not – fine we'll just use the muscles ha ha mr. pain tolerance and team getting our max readings yes right on damaged nerve endings and waking them up Dyson can go anything that can go past 30 seconds where an addendum 7 ends so just so it just does it by itself basically it yeah man yep totally appropriate amount of time yeah well like with the brushing effect we've just finished doing we found the sticking points here which is the dermis no benning's it's drawn to them so it will stick to the skin and then that gives us our dosing points as well yeah decent good dose in email okay yes all right I'm back now from a first scan our treatment Dave I think it went well I already notice that way our whole arm felt so much lighter afterwards it's a weird sort of feeling but I'll show you the points that we worked on so worked on this point here around my former my bicep was getting a lot of pain around there also you really see but on my wrist here all around was getting really high readings we worked out well and all on my hands my hand was just like killing me so worked on my whole palm and the pain area that I went there for which was on my tricep erm I said well they work red will also work around there but all these other areas were getting readings so it's all linked basically if you have an issue or a pain somewhere it's all linked the whole arm is linked area length shoulders back chest so we isolated these areas and the Machine sounds that they were problem areas with this tension nerve endings so we worked all them well and yeah right now I can feel that my arm feels a lot lighter and just a lot more relaxed so we said to give it a few days and then let them know how it feels and we'll go from there to see whether I need more treatment or not but so that means no training back tonight like I was going to Train Lakes instead and then like the next half that is my resting so it works so well but anyway I'll keep you guys updated and let you know how it's going yeah it's pretty interesting to to get the sort of treatment so I know nothing about I've never really heard of it but like I said I'll keep you guys updated and see how it goes from there
[UltraVid id=148 ]boom sup everybody andreas here back with another video today and in today's video I'm going to be telling you things that are tired of hearing since going vegan number one number one on my list and it's number one for every vegan every vegan bodybuilder out there is where do you get your protein from but like where do you get your protein from the same place animals get their protein from plants chickpeas kidney beans black beans broccoli spinach tofu tahini sesame seeds protein powder 10 phase mockney's number 2 but like why you vegan because I believe in something I'm leaving because I believe that animals shouldn't have to go through pain and suffering I believe in the health benefits of being vegan I don't believe in contributing to the suffering and death of innocent animals it's what I believe in just like you believe in whatever you believe in it's my belief system but really I don't think I could ever go begin but I could definitely go vegetarian huh cool man thanks for telling me I don't think I could ever eat meat again for but life don't you miss me don't you miss the taste of meat meat tastes so good how can you not eat it no I don't miss a taste of meat I like the taste of the fruit that I eat now I like knowing that I'm not contributing to the suffering and death of innocent animals I don't even like to smell of meat anymore but I don't think I could ever give up cheese cheese is just so good haha well look if you're vegan there's cheese options there's still cheese available going vegan doesn't mean you have to give up cheese there's playing with cheese alternatives out there on the I mean I've had partners in I've had mozzarella I've had cheddar I've had nacho cheese there's so many different types of cheese out there that are beading and cruelty free so by going vegan you don't have to give up cheese so remember that sick so like what don't you eat you don't eat meat but you can still eat eggs and milk right ah no I'm not vegetarian I'm vegan that means no animal products no meat no fish eggs no dairy nothing that has been produced from an animal severn but like how can we not eat bacon bacon is life no vacant is not like bacon comes from a pig and I love pigs pigs are cute pigs are smart intelligent animals I don't want to contribute to the slaughter and killing of those poor innocent pigs if I could right now I would have a pet pig and if anyone mentions to me bacon one more time I swear God hey isn't it hot yeah I mean like what can you even eat when you go out since veganism is getting so much more popularity there's a lot more places out catering for vegans out there and are offering vegan options on the menu not to mention there are also vegan only restaurants and they're popping up all over the place you're on the Gold Coast we have so many vegan restaurants and so many places cater for vegans nowadays so look eating out is not hard what can I eat burritos tacos enchiladas pizzas burgers Thai food Chinese Japanese Indian sandwiches salads acai bowls smoothie cookies ice cream everything I can eat anything that you can eat there's just big an alternate route is 9 I bet it's so expensive to be vegan I mean it probably cost you a lot more now that you're vegan wrong I've actually found that since going vegan my food bill has decreased I mean have you ever looked at the price of meat in the supermarket it's expensive it is so much cheaper being vegan especially being a vegan bodybuilder I eat a lot but I also eat things that are cheap beans tofu vegetables fruit it's dirt cheap oats rice it's cheap it's cheaper being vegan the only thing I will admit is more expensive is eating out sometimes some places do charge extra for their vegan options now I don't know why that is do you number 10 all right what if you're trapped on a desert island and you had no choice but to eat meat would you eat it or would you just die you know what if I was in that situation I probably would eat an animal to survive you know what I probably eat a human to survive but I'm not in a survival situation I can go down to coals of wars right now and buy my broccoli and tofu or whatever I want and those are the 10 things that I've heard the most since going vegan sometimes we're driving crazy sometimes I just laugh them off now because I hear them so often but yeah thanks for watching guys I hope you guys enjoy the video if you did don't forget to like it share it with your friends if you haven't already consider subscribing now by hitting that subscribe button and don't forget to turn on the notification belt also follow me on Instagram I'm active on there daily but thanks again for watching I'll see you guys in the next video boom [Music]