Results with the using ENART 907 in а complex therapy of urolithiasis

Linskiy I.Z., ENART-practitioner, Ukraine.
Source (Note from Admin: These results are typical and quite easily obtained with a little coaching).

ENART 907 - the world's second best SCENAR
ENART 907 – the world’s second best SCENAR

In this article I would like to share my own results and observations on the given issue. Urolithiasis takes the second place among the disease of kidneys after pyelonephritis.

Medical practitioners, which work in this field (urologists, general practitioners, practitioners of the family medicine) are well aware of the fact that it is not always possible to achieve benefit results with using the conventional therapy of this pathology.
The particular and common problem is the process of the excretion of the stones, especially when it comes with the stopping of a concrement in one of the parts of the ureter. A partial or full block of the ureter is often observed with this. In this situation it is needed to remove the blockage and restore the proper function of a kidney, otherwise this may result in complications that can lead to very severe outcomes, up to the full loss of an organ. Traditional therapies (drug therapy, distant lithotripsy (DLT), surgical interference) don’t always give positive results and often comes with the range of side effects.
ENART-therapy is non-invasive and safe method of treatment, which with its high effectiveness almost doesn’t have contraindications to application. I made sure of it on my own experience.
To acknowledge said above I will describe several cases with using ENART 907 within summer season. In summer, as a rule, the number of cases with complications of urolithiasis increases, they manifest themselves as a passage of concrement with renal colic attacks.

According to my observations, more than 50% of patients have sticking of stones in an ureter on different levels. I applied ENART–therapy exactly in these cases.
I had 5 cases, when after up to 2 or 3 sessions of ENART-therapy there was a passage of stones. In one patient a stone had passed in one hour after the first session had done and absolutely without pain!
Other patients noted that a pain had completely disappeared immediately after the session and an attack had been in several hours (the attack was much lower by its intensity and it allowed to do without using analgesics). But no one of them was anxious about that, because I notified them about it beforehand.
After an exacerbation that was of short duration, there was either a passage of concrement, or its considerable dislocation down along an ureter with its following passage in a several days.
Such examples, as a rule, referred to the cases, when stones were located in a low part of an ureter and by their sizes didn’t exceed 1 centimeter by their diameter.
When carrying out a treatment, the following modes were used: DIAGNOST 1, 2; CONSTANT 1, 2; INTERVAL; AM; CS. In cases with the severe pain syndrome, I applied FMVAR. This mode helps to relieve pain (that may be very intense in time of a renal colic attack) – immediately and for a long period of time. But I also had more interesting results, and it took much more efforts and patience both from the doctor, and from patients to achieve them.

I will describe one of them. Male, 63, turned to me, diagnosed with urolithiasis. The stone (14 mm) in the middle part of the right ureter. He refused from the DLT and from hospitalization to the urological department. Then I prescribed treatment by phytopreparations and suggested to carry out the course of the ENART-therapy.
After only one session a pain syndrome has completely disappeared. It took even some efforts of mine to persuade the patient not to go to his job, he felt so fine. In total we had 6 sessions, during the procedures he noted a gradual pain movement down along the ureter. Finally, the concrement fragmented (fell into several small pieces) and came off.

The patient brought the stones,that he managed to collect, to show me.
In further the absence of the blockage in the ureter has been proved by the excretory urography.

Here I have to add that if he treated by the traditional methods, then except for considerable financial expenses he would have had to eliminate the outcomes of DLT and possibly of the surgery.

Another patient, male, 40, renal colic attack.
After the proper observation the diagnosis was set by me: the urolithiasis. There was the stone (10 mm) at the upper third of the left ureter.
The patient was ready to start a conservative treatment (the block of the ureter was not complete, with the preservation of the function of the kidney), but afterwards (despite of the recommendations) he decided to turn to a private urological centre, where he underwent DLT. An observation carried out in 10 days showed that the stone was at the same place.
On finishing the therapy at the centre, he turned to me once again, as the concrement didn’t come off.
The observation carried out in 10 days also confirmed that the stone was at the same place.
I suggested the treatment with ENART-therapy.
After the first session the patient noted that the pain had moved down along the ureter approximately to 5 centimeters, and after 4 sessions there had been the passage of the concrement. The check observation didn’t show the shadows in the left ureter.

There was also a patient, male, 67, diagnosed with urolithiasis. The stone (9 mm) was found in the left ureter. The renal pelvis on the left was broadened by 25 mm (up to 35 mm).
The patient refused from the inpatient treatment and preferred to take phyto preparations combined with the sessions of ENART-therapy.
After two sessions a check observation showed that the function of the kidney improved, the size of the pelvis decreased by the 15 mm (up to 20).The pain syndrome has been almost arrested, but the patient, having been advised by some of his relatives interrupted the treatment.
The further status of his health is unknown to me.

Proceeding from the said above, I can make definite conclusion, that ENART-therapy is very effective method for urolithiasis complications, and in further it will be more and more implemented into the practice of the practitioners which are engaged in this issue. It can be applied both with complex therapy, and as a monotherapy (an independent therapy), when a patient would refuse consciously from the traditional therapy.

Long-term Healing Results in ENART Therapy

By physician Linsky, an ENART practitioner from Ukraine
Source (Note from Admin: These results are typical and quite easily obtained with a little coaching)

I would like to share my own experience in studying the long-term healing results of using ENART devices (Enart 907 in particular) in order to assess the regenerative reactions that appear in the body in response to the influence of pulses generated by the device.

ENART 907 - the world's second best SCENAR
ENART 907 – the world’s second best SCENAR

In my opinion, this study will help both the ENART beginners and those ENART users who have already had some experience in ENART therapy.

To begin with, I would like to remind you of some distinctive features of ENART therapy and its basic differences from other therapies.
ENART is a modern reflex therapy. It has no drawbacks and is easy, simple and convenient to use.
ENART is applied to some specific skin points on the body and works with short-pulsed high-amplitude electric signals that dynamically change their form according to the body’s response to device stimulation. This establishes a biological feedback: device – body – device.
Pulses generated by the device will elicit various bodily responses that help to restore the impaired or lost functions of the body. It is important to note that there is no adaptation of the body to ENART treatment. The lower the adaptation of the body to the treatment, the more effective and shorter in time the treatment will be.
The bodily responses formed as a result of ENART treatment will initiate regulatory recovering processes that are stretched in time. In some cases it is suffice to have 1 or 2 sessions to get full recovery but such cases usually involve acute conditions (existing over a short period of time).
A long-existing (chronic) problem will require (in most cases) treatments of 10 to 12 sessions per course or even several such courses.
After ENART treatment all the metabolic processes in the body would be restored. The organs will resume their normal bodily functions, this means that the cause rather than symptom, of the disease has disappeared.
So, when we use ENART therapy, we not only remove pain syndrome (any 900 series device will cope with this task ideally), but from the very start we are working for complete recovery as much as possible in each particular situation. And the main thing here is to remember that the body’s self-recovery and alteration will take time from several days to several months.
When treating a long-existing pathology, improvement usually comes in the course of treatment, but maximum healing effect should be expected in a month after the treatment is terminated and the health-improving activity in the body will continue for a longer period of time (up to 3 months).
Formerly I heard from my tutor and later I myself came across the situation when the patient that I treated told me: “You know, after you finished my treatment course, I still had some symptoms of my illness, but after a month I recovered from them all by myself.”
If you know terms of healing and therapeutic features of ENART treatment, you should always explain to the patient in detail what he or she can anticipate from the treatment and at its duration.
This is because most people prefer pharmaceuticals which they use to remove only symptoms of the disease. For instance, a patient takes a pill and after 15 minutes his or her arterial pressure has returned to norm, pain is relieved, etc.
Such therapies suppress protective and adaptation reactions of the body and destroy its self-regulation mechanism, which then evokes transition of the illness into its chronic condition.
After the first uses of my ENART device I was not always fully satisfied with the healing results at the end of each course of treatment. I must say that I had mainly dealt with the advanced cases when a patient had already undergone various therapies of which had not always been recognized as safe.
I observed the improvement, but some symptoms had remained which bothered me. I was determined to find the reason and analyzed the results and made some changes in the healing process.
There were also patients whose problems could not be solved completely during one course of treatment.
One day during my training exercises I hurt my wrist and got the second wrist joint and ligamentous injury, which usually takes much time to heal. From my own experience I know that the healing process may last from several months to a year or more and can be exacerbated at the most inconvenient moment.
So, I took my device and got down to treatment. Pain considerably reduced but appeared again on the wrist activity. I held 5 sessions of ENART therapy while proceeding with the training exercises in my customary manner. After three weeks I found that the pain syndrome disappeared and did not appear even on the wrist activity.
The next case that attracted my attention took place with my wife (I think those who attempted to heal their relatives will understand me). For several years she experienced pains in the thoracic and lumbosacral parts of the spinal column, but as it usually happens, “she has never had time for healing”.
She took 8 sessions, with some sessions held not to the full extent (difficulties with treating relatives).To my questions about therapeutic effects she answered that nothing helped her.
After about a month I noticed that she no longer had any complaints about her pain. The palpatory inspection had shown her spine was almost painless! To my question about her health she answered that the pain gradually disappeared and she simply forgot to tell me about it.
Then I began, wherever possible, to investigate the long-term healing results I got from my all “complicated” patients.
It turned out that within a month after completion of the course of treatment, most patients had recovered either completely or their health had considerably improved.
I used ENART therapy on one of my patients for Traumatic Epicondylitis on his right arm (tennis elbow).
The condition occurred after injury he had about a year ago.
Before visiting me he saw various medical specialists and took mainly non-steroidal hormones and physiotherapy – with minimum results whatsoever. It should be noted that the patient could not restrict physical activity of his injured arm due to the nature of his profession.
Nonetheless, after 5 ENART sessions the patient experienced considerable improvement: the elbow joint range of motions had increased and the pain syndrome that disturbed him for a year had actually disappeared.
There were some uncomfortable sensations on wrist squeeze and occasional pains on activity that still remained. When I met him after two months, he was happy to report that those residual effects had gradually disappeared and now his right arm works to the fullest extent.
There were many other positive long-term healing results.
For example, after ENART treatment a long-expected child was born unto someone, someone got rid of skin problems, etc.
But the main thing for me is that I have understood the basic features of ENART therapy and can now safely explain to the patients how their healing will progress.
In addition, I would like to note some factors that influence the healing effectiveness. First of all, these are smoking, alcohol consumption and frequent use of chemical drugs, especially antibiotics and non-steroidal hormones which interrupt recovery processes not allowing them to come to the logical and favorable completion.
Before ENART sessions I always warn my patients against the above mentioned factors because with them the healing process goes slower, its effectiveness drops by 40 per cent, more sessions are needed for the course of treatment. My warnings often make the patients get rid of their bad habits.
In the past I have used various devices that have worked with biofeedback, but after I acquired Enart 907, healing effects came much faster with it.
When getting down to every session, I always feel confident in success and believe in the ability of the device to cope with any problem. Of course, Enart 907 is not a panacea, but until now I have had no single case of which the device could not help patients. This device makes it really possible to feel full freedom of creativity in approaches to treatment and considerably expands the boundaries of therapeutic effects.
I wish you all to have good health and be successful in all your deeds!

ENART 907 Specifications

ENART 907 is a multiple-purpose device, which offers the best of both SCENAR and PROLOGUE devices with upgradeable levels that can be unlocked (for a price) at a later date making it ideal for individual/family, semi-professional and professional use.

The ENART 907 can be set at three levels:

  1. level 0 – individual/family
  2. level 1 – semi-professional
  3. level 2 – professional use

The difference between the three levels is as follows:
The L0 option is for home use, has 4 modes without the means for adjustment of the output pulse parameters, making it simple to use.
The L1 option is a semiprofessional model, it has 8 modes with the means for adjustment of the output pulse parameters including the parameter of the First-Phase Pulse Amplitude.
The L2 option is a professional model, it has 16 modes with the possibility of adjustment of parameters of the output pulse.
ENART 907 Modes

In the existing devices with the biofeedback the first-phase rectangular pulse amplitude remains unchanged, while the second-phase oscillating pulse amplitude varies in accordance with the body’s response to the influence of the device.

Many practitioners who use several different models of ENART, SCENAR and Prologue devices have noticed that each particular model is most effective for different specific conditions.
For instance, some devices are more efficient in treating musculoskeletal disorders while others are best used for internal organs; still others are more effective for treating diseases of the nervous system, etc.
The latest studies have shown that these specific healing effects are more dependent on the level of the first-phase pulse amplitude.
Each particular device model features its own specific level of the first-phase pulse amplitude, which ranges in value from 10V for some early models to 70V in some of the latest models.
Until now this level has always been a strictly specific factory setting that could not be adjusted by the practitioner.
Now, for the first time, with the ENART 907 device (levels L1 and L2), the practitioner can adjust the first-phase pulse amplitude within the range of 25V to 80V.
By allowing the practitioner to adjust the first-phase pulse amplitude the ENART 907 can more effectively treat the whole range of diseases/injuries with only one device.
The customer/practitioner will now only have to buy one device to treat the whole range of diseases rather than having to buy different devices in order to treat different specific diseases.

Basic Specifications:

Furnished with basic features of a professional device; easily adaptable to a simplified model for personal/family use and v.v.;
Provides express analysis of the treatment area;
Applies minimum energy level to use on supersensitive areas (tongue, genitals) and on children;

The new mode AMVar with the device ENART 907-L2 allows any user not only to appoint amplitude of the first phase of impulse, but also to set deviation of amplitude of the first phase of impulse in a necessary range, that is not present in any of similar devices.

• ENART 907 (L1 and L2) has the potential to decrease the power consumption and to increase the service life period of power batteries (ECONOM).

• ENART 907 (L1 and L2) has the capability to adjust Sensitivity of the device (SENS).

Function SENS (sensitivity) ensures the possibility to use the device on people with any type of skin, as well as on any parts of the body, whereas before at times it was impossible.

For instance, sometimes it is difficult for the device to track contact (on very dry or coarse skin), which makes work on such parts IMPOSSIBLE.

In some cases in order to establish contact the user has to press the device very hard against the skin.

Or sometimes when applying the device onto a specific skin or very moist skin, the device tracks the contact with the skin even without touching it (in some distance away from it).

Now this problem is solved by means of adjustment of the parameter “SENSITIVITY”, which makes action of the device adequate in each particular case, substantially broadens capabilities of the practitioner as well as facilitates the practitioner’s labor.

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ENART 907 - the world's second best SCENAR
ENART 907 – the world’s second best SCENAR

The ENART 907 represents the world’s most advanced electrical stim biofeedback device, and way beyond the original SCENAR or later COSMODIC type devices.

The ENART 907 is furnished with basic features of a professional device; easily adaptable to personal/family use.

By allowing the practitioner to adjust the first-phase pulse amplitude the ENART 907 can more effectively treat the whole range of diseases/injuries with only one device.

I bought the 907M with the three rail design at the same time as the 911M. Like the new 907 it is a simpler automatic version of the 911 without the diagnostics screen or the infra low frequencies.

While the ENART 911 is the flagship device from ENART developed by specialists at CCC Invet independently without Doctor Karasev the ENART 907 is the less costly alternative, but still simply amazing:)

In 2008 and just before the original 911M launch (the predecessor of the 911) I had a dream about a new ENART SCENAR which manifested a few months later as the 911M.  In the dream it had different ranges of frequency sweeps and superior what I call transverse “skinning”, but in actuality it was just one of many new features one which emulate previous popular ENART and SCENAR models.

I use a lot of different SCENARs in my practice and I love the 3 rail electrode option of the 907 and it surpasses the performance of the COMODIC SCENARs and RITM. Soon I will update the video with the 911 and 907 unboxing.

So the 907 is an amazing unit especially for both professionals and non professionals, and the various modes I talk about in the 911M video are good for any emergency imaginable, awesome power (if and when you need it), and so many programmable functions that you might get easily lost, but not with my videos and coaching!

For the techies out there reading this the “engine” or chip in the 911 can emulates several SCENAR models by adjusting the first phase voltage, or how the loud the signal talks with various tissues.

See the 907 specifications

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