[UltraVid id=143 ]sup everybody welcome to another video it's Andres and Mira here we are at the ferry terminal here in Helsinki and we are on our way to Tallinn in Estonia we're staying there for one night two days and yeah we're gonna go explore the city try some vegan food and and in Estonia there is a vegan chocolate cafe place which we're gonna check out and show you guys when we get bored sorry about that so I got Mir laughing there she's laughing because she read a sign that said Wow in Finland pictures is dangerous so don't bring Bob takes me into Finland because it's dangerous maybe in Estonia maybe we have wild Pizza need to sell and they'd like to bring it in Finland like smuggled over who knows but anyway we're sitting here having our coffee some ears pretend to be a tourist here in our own country and she's obviously can finish right by anyway we're gonna be boarding in about half an hour and I wish I could show you the size of the cruise ship but it's pulled into M the terminal walking away which is really annoying but it's pretty big isn't it yeah anyway talk to you guys later so this is where we are now and this is where we're going telling in Estonia [Music] we got some snacks aboard ow ferry ride one of these hold a gram so they're like a like a bread sort of thing with just filling in the middle they're quite nice and these are rye crisps I guess yeah right Chris like a hard first thing we see when we go to Estonia yeah is Estonia nice beautiful day in Estonia we found like a health food organic sort of shop and mirrors like she's like a little kid [Music] so we made it to Old Town and we're still in search of somewhere to eat so I think we're going to the vegan chocolate place and to ask the lady where as a good place to eat because we don't have internet not almost have a SIM card that works here so but everything seems pretty closed around here which is cool we can walk everywhere we don't need any public transport but yeah hopefully next time we check in we will be eating something delicious decided because we found the vegan chocolate place look out behind you look out behind you she's crying cuz she's so happy she's such a sook which one is it there it is alright let's go what smells so nice in here Snickers one Bakke ket but I can't having more I kind of got nuts what else have we got for me so you got two of those and then there was a lot of other things yeah yeah can you pass me one as well tell me fight it Wow no give me one what you want to share one no we don't share ketose tasty convenient bounty baby I'm not taking a picture we found a vegan place here V so any go in get some lunch Oh chocolate bounty was so good are you gonna get [Music] plantain okay sounds good and I'm gonna get sweet potato cheek beef burger with oven-baked celeriac chunks sounds good okay so we just had lunch how was it now we're off to our apartments check-in what do you think of Estonia so far cute cold colder than Finland yeah windy even though we're like in amongst buildings it's different get in the camera yes anyway we're gonna go check into our apartment eat some more chocolate and then we're gonna go explore we have a little ready here for one oh yeah one night we're gonna vacuum all night this is nice we got a TV yeah got that fireplace that dining room [Music] bathroom that's right this is a curtain see the bedroom baby where's the light here's a bedroom another TV it's a shame really staying one night babe you got a coffee machine kettle we probably won't even use where's the fridge hey where's the fridge weird dishwasher that maybe maybe that's the fridge is locked when we have a key anyway will me food yes damn there's no chomping down on the Snickers chocolatey things she got from the vegan chocolate shop there was two euros wasn't it so in which we spent 10 euros there we got the two bounties two different coffees show so big that is that's pretty big so let me look at it a lot of and already looks squishy is it good Tibet I can't eat that no nuts for this guy babe do a kickflip yeah so I flew halfway around the world Samara could just go shopping and I could follow her into donut shops clothing shops so funny see if she can work this out working out babe [Music] lovely evening of shopping or watching mirror shopping we're now off to go get something to eat we've just been back at the hotel or so the apartment and had a quick snack just cold wind we're now in Freedom Square check it out pretty cool we're gonna get your bus to a vegetarian / vegan cafe ah no no restaurant sorry buffet so 150 vegan options and vegan vegetarian buffet called bliss but it's like 40 minutes to walk there so we're gonna catch a bus hopefully so wish us luck so this is bliss restaurant in Tallinn Estonia was cool was like all these bookshelves everywhere and then over here is the buffet just light it up at the buffet mirrors Platon there about seven euros and one plate there which is eleven years some chickpea dishes some sushi beetroot some rice noodles rice cauliflower sweet potato fries fake me broccoli cauliflower and this thingy whatever that is but anyway let's dig in was your favorite things so far find that awesome looking play can you tell people home what they are in Finnish or English stupid which haunt my English say 10 fake me with vegan cake chop sushi don't laugh how I say sushi a tofu with spinach and something and sitting up or walk his second healthy looks pretty good in his mind I got old cold things this time so we found this outdoor ice rink here we're gonna go check it out outdoor ice rink so cool hey Bo show me so graceful so graceful a lot of fun the most exercise mirrors done here join the gym with me she joined the joint she joined me to the gym as well so but she's never been in a gym before it's the first time she's gone times three times in the first month now she's going hard me a season lifted before you know he's been to meetings so I can go to gym uh-huh trying to say I haven't been going to the gym no I mean have you seen my abs what ABS it's holiday so it's alright anyway we're finished now we're gonna head off to the shops grab some food from supermarket and then head back to my apartment and we'll see you guys tomorrow