[UltraVid id=107 ]hi my name is Kay from the scanner experts and I'm here today to answer another question that we frequently get and that is well scanner take my pain away I've tried so many things nothing has worked and I tell you after just a brief explanation of scanner this is the question that we usually get next we answer the question what is scanner and then people want to immediately know what they can expect in terms of pain relief kind of relief can I get will it take my pain away the most frequent questions we get usually the first questions we get and as you can see on the screen the short answer is yes it will help your body stop the pain it does this most of the time quite quickly you know keep in mind that because pain is generated due to many different types of conditions and injuries we can't address them all in the exact same way so of course after the answer yes there is more to say you need to understand how scanner actually helps the body it helps the body by stimulating your own internal pharmacy did you know that you had an internal pharmacy or did you think the only pharmacy there was was Walgreens or CVS or something inside Walmart well you do have your own internal pharmacy and scanner actually helps your body secrete the right amount of what's called neuropeptides along with other neuro mediators all part of your internal harmony and the this is actually what relieves your pain and initiates the healing sequence in your body so when you get a scanner treatment you might get immediate relief where the relief might come several hours later how and when you experience the leaf is related to your condition and how scanner works with your body taking a pain pill generally begins to dull or mask your pain about 20 minutes or so after you take the pill into your system right and then once the medication is worn off your pains going to return and you need to take another pill and you repeat this process continually when you have chronic pain issues those of you with chronic pain issues listening to me know what I mean well when you get scanner treatments your pain relief will last longer and longer as the device doesn't dull or mask the pain and then wear off it actually stimulates your own internal pharmacy to work on the underlying problem the reason for the pain and to help it return to a normal state so you can expect that when you have repeated applications of the scanner that you're going to progress toward health we have had many hundreds of people with pain related to fresh and very old chronic injuries receive scanner treatments over the last eight years in our office with a success rate around 90% you'll see below a link where you can listen to some videos of some of our clients and what they've had to say about pain relief with scanner and we continue to build the video testimonial if you will it's something that we didn't used to do and so we now get to do that right so that you can hear more and more people talk about their experience with scanner you will find that scanner therapists around the world will really echo our results that it is quite a successful type of therapy and when you have a very chronic condition one of the things you need to keep in mind is it's not a magic bullet it's not something that you're going to do a few times and voila you know have this chronic condition in your body be healed and have that pain go away but your body does have an amazing ability to heal and self repair and so over time you will see that that underlying condition be cut begins to normalize and the pain relief becomes sustainable so while it's not for everyone and I will say it's not for everyone the results most often are so positive that it's worth testing it for yourself if you're suffering from a painful condition if you're experiencing side effects of your current pain management treatment if you're tired of the side effects that that brings that's kind of what I mean or if you just know that you're not playing your life at the level that you would like to play and you wonder you know is this something that's going to be able to help you put your injury your painful condition in the rearview mirror of your life and move forward further and further and further away from it it is worth trying because I've seen that happen for so many people speaking of pain management you will have to listen to our next video to hear our little rant and I say rant and air quotes kind of about pain management because pain management is such a prevalent thing here in the United States and we just don't know why on earth anyone would want to manage pain instead of getting rid of it once and for all it's really beyond us so check it out look for that video specifically and see how it sits with you bye for now
What is a SCENAR Device?
[UltraVid id=106 ]hi everyone my name is Kay here from the scanner experts and I come in to you today to share with you the answer to a question that we get asked frequently one way shape or form people want to understand what is a scanner device so that is a very frequently asked question one we answer a lot and thought we would share with you today here a little short video so a scanner device is actually an electro therapeutic medical device and you see on the screen a picture of a rhythm scanner a professional unit interacting with the body and you see actually that it says FDA cleared the fact that it says that gives you an indication that we are located here in the United States we're actually in San Diego California in the United States and that the rhythm scanner is an FDA cleared medical device it's important that you look as you look at different devices to actually ascertain if the company that manufactures or distributes the device has actually bothered to get regulatory clearance that clearance is so important it protects you as the consumer so scanner is an electro therapeutic medical device and I want to go through what the name means because it's actually an acronym and some people know that and some don't some people actually search for scanner on Google like SCA n and ER like it sounds um so what is scanner and what does it mean as an acronym the SC actually stands for self-controlled this means that the device establishes a biofeedback link with your body when it's in use and it's constantly changing the properties of the applied electrical impulses and it's making those changes in response to a very measured reaction from your body so in that way it's self-controlled the en actually stands for an Ergo neuro so what does that mean well the effective scanner is actually based on electric impulses of a specific shape and the shape of those impulses are patterned after the natural nerve impulses of the human body and lastly the AR AR stands for adaptive regulator so your scanner device not only provides a very direct therapeutic effect but it also activates the natural defenses of the body so there you have it scanner is self controlled an Ergo neuro adaptive regulator now we pronounce it like scanner because as in a way this is what the device does it scams the body consistently throughout a session as it activates the natural mechanisms of your body so let's dive a little bit deeper into what a lecture of therapeutic device actually means when we say that we mean that the scanner interacts with your body from an electrical perspective versus a chemical perspective like a drug would human beings are actually electrochemical beings and so we're speaking to it in its own electrical language so it's a good non drug solution for a wide variety of painful conditions in the body and that non drug perspective is good in terms of the absence of side effects like a drug or a chemical would bring when we interact with the electrical aspects of the body with a device like the scanner you can help the body's own natural processes that are in place that would stop paying and create self repair in the body now in the US market scanner devices are classified as class 2 medical devices and again as I said earlier you want to check that any device that you're investigating is actually registered in your country by its regulatory body because not all devices are and those regulations are purely in place to protect consumers now you may or may not be familiar with electro therapeutic or sometimes they're called electro medicine devices I will ask if you think or you believe that you do know about them like you know about Eastham but you haven't used a scanner we hope that you'll set aside what you know and I put in air quotes that word no set aside what you know about electro medicine or estim technology in order to learn about the advances in the field and why we call scanner the smartest device available today in the field and that comes from somebody who has 35 plus years of experience in the field so not somebody who's sort of a newbie trying to sell something if you don't know about electro medicine or electro therapeutic devices or Eastham you're here learning about it now at a very very good time as more and more people are looking for alternatives to drugs to injections invasive procedures and surgery and many times we have found that scanner can be that alternative not all the time certainly but when you get prescribed these different things venture out and get a second or a third opinion and take a look at what is possible with scanner our co-founder he's my other half dr. Peter Lathrop has been in the field of electro medicine as an inventor working in the industry as well as a practitioner he's a neurophysiologist and he's been in the field over 35 years he actually co-developed the first commercial tens unit at Medtronic incorporated in 1979 so if you've heard of a TENS unit he's one of the co developers of that and nowadays he says trade in your old Tim's and your old Eastham technology or put it way in a drawer just like you did your first mobile phone he says the technology has advanced tremendously and becomes smart technology just like your smart phone and you want to upgrade in this technology just like you've done in your phone technology now he's been using the e rhythm scanner since 2008 before that he was using earlier generations of electro therapeutic devices some of which he co-developed but in 2008 he was introduced to scanner technology he explored it he adopted it he gradually got rid of everything else that he was using and he hasn't found anything to replace it and he continues today to help people get sustained pain relief and back to high levels of functioning using this he's also a level three master trainer teaching practitioners and consumers around the world so what you get in him is somebody who's not just teaching but doesn't know because he has a day-to-day practice as well this is a picture of he and I we are partners working together I have a nursing background a deep medical device background in the pain management space as well as well as a coaching background so we make we think a very good team and we hope that you're going to follow along and learn more from us about scanner about stopping pain and about all the benefits that come from using scanner technology as either a lay person or as a practitioner so look down below for where you can go next to follow along with us we want to end today by telling you a client story this particular individual comes from doctor Lathrop practice his pain problem was becoming chronic he'd had it for a number of months he actually came in with this soreness in his shoulder II had an injury while playing baseball and that soreness in his shoulder was at about a level seven you know they do a pain scale on a scale of one to ten and he was a sad and mostly when he was throwing otherwise it was just kind of generally okay and in the background for him it wasn't the pain wasn't interfering with his daily activities but boy it was interfering with his love of playing baseball and his goal was to play baseball and specifically to throw without pain and to know that his shoulder was okay so before he came to us he had that goal he did chiropractic he did acupuncture we did exercise and soft tissue work and he didn't have any resolution of the problem and he'd gone to a surgeon to get an opinion and about the same time he came in to see dr. Lathrop he decided to try the scanner treatment first that was his decision he had an MRI that showed a small posterior superior labral tear then the surgeon said he should have surgery but he decided he wanted to try the scanner treatments before doing something invasive and committing to that surgical procedure and so he had his scanner treatments and after some time his range of motion was much better doctor Lathrop really believed that he was progressing while he was throwing though he was still having some pain so they decided to do another MRI and lo and behold on that MRI there was no evidence at all of the labrum tear that tear had healed and so Rick had a little bit more physical therapy to take care of aspects of what was going on in terms of a frozen shoulder and then he was back to playing and he played in baseball tournaments and the shoulder responded great and he didn't have any pain problems so it was a fantastic result from scanner therapy and a little bit of physical therapy to take care of frozen shoulder at the end and we find oftentimes the scanner and other modalities chiropractic or exercise can be very beneficial together so that's Rick's story it's a common story in our practice and if you'd like to look learn more again just go down below and follow along with us future videos webinars or give our office a call and find out whether or not scanner is right for you by interacting with a professional or getting your own home unit scanner in the meantime create a great day and we'll be with you soon bye
Do I Need A Prescription To Buy SCENAR In The USA
[UltraVid id=105 ]hi everyone it's k here once again from the scanner experts here answering a question that we occasionally get sometimes more frequently than others and that question is do I have to have a prescription from a doctor to purchase a scanner so the question is generally coming from an everyday lay person like you or I it's not coming from a licensed practitioner and it's about whether or not just like medications are prescribed is scanner prescribed and the short answer is yes at least here in the United States which is where we operate we're located in San Diego California and we cover the United States and in the United States the FDA actually requires that when a consumer buys a scanner device that they have a prescription now that prescription can come from any type of licensed practitioner we have several different home unit scanners the rhythm scanner sport d the sport and a licensed practitioner needs to write that prescription so if you have a physician or other type of practitioner may be a chiropractor or an acupuncturist or someone like that who will write you the prescription that's fantastic if they would require some information prior to doing that you can certainly reach out to us if you need someone to help you write that prescription we do actually partner with a very wonderful physician and md who is well versed in scanner and she does do consultations if you happen to live in San Diego County you're going to be able to actually see her at her office if you live somewhere else in the United States she takes a telemedicine approach and if you're not familiar with telemedicine you could google that to find out about a very common practice now of physicians on the phone with clients with patients with everyday people asking the questions that they need to ask in order to learn about your situation and then determining whether or not you're an appropriate candidate for a scanner and so we're happy to connect you with her that particular resource if you need someone to write a prescription for you you could just give us a call at six 1950 1375 to again that's six 1950 1375 to you can feel free to ask for me as 4k and I can get you what it is you need or somebody I can direct someone on our team to get you what it is you need so again the question is do I have to have a prescription to purchase the scanner and the short answer is yes now if you search online you are going to find that you can get scanners from other places I have conversations with people when they go to places like eBay and see that they can purchase one and that device comes from Russia or maybe they can get one from Canada I highly recommend against that the reason that I recommend against that actually is the devices that will be coming from other countries will not be registered here in the US they will be hopefully registered in the country that they're coming from sometimes they are sometimes they're not but you also have more of a challenge to get any support should you need further education should you have any quality issues with the device you've bought because it will not be able to be taken care of by a US distributor so I've seen people need to send devices back to Russia and not have any support and have it take quite a long time to get it back so that's the longer answer to people who would like to kind of go around the need for a prescription and by outside the United States we like to make it very easy for you here in the US to get a device to get a prescription and to receive the support that you deserve so we hope you'll contact us alright everyone have a great day
Julie Kidder RITM SCENAR Testimonial
[UltraVid id=104 ]great my name is Julie Kidder and i have been using the scanner for i think about six months now and it's made a tremendous difference in my mobility in my life at first I've tried many many things I've had many issues for a long time in my spine in my back and I've I broke my tailbone about 25 years ago which started causing all kinds of problems and had car accidents with just caught many many problems and I've tried acupuncture I've been to chiropractors and physical therapists and all of them helped for a while but the issues keep coming or kept coming and so I heard through my physical therapist about the scanner and dr. Lathrop and so I thought I would try it because you know what have I got to lose so I met with him and I started using it actually he was doing treatments on me and I i noticed differences right away and so I determined that I was going to get better so i purchased my own scanner so that I could do it regularly at home which is the key really to be consistent and so to get home started using it and started seeing all these layers of injury start to go away and now i'm at the point where i can actually back off some of the treatments because my body is going to start taking over on its own but i just recently took a trip to Boston where I walked five to eight miles every day and I hadn't done that for three years so and now i'm doing stairs i'm doing all kinds of things that i didn't think i'd be able to do again so it's been a great experience i would i would highly recommend it so thank you
Keith Cammell shares pain relief & nerve signal restoration with SCENAR
[UltraVid id=103 ]I shattered my left femur in a motorcycle accident my femoral nerve until three got damaged I was partially paralyzed my leg ended up atrophy to the point where I couldn't walk I was in pain and according to a nerve conduction report in 2011 I'd ongoing to innovation I wrecked in 2007 and finally put all this behind me in 2012 if I was introduced to scanner I'd probably still be recovering I'm at Peter Lathrop a neurophysiologist four years into my recovery he said he could help me and I went for it within the first three months of using a scanner I wasn't in excruciating pain and after six months of treatment I had another nerve test done this time the report indicated I had total normal nerve conduction I didn't just pop up one of my feet overnight I had to do a bunch of PT and still had to dilute the muscle but now I'm strong and I'm doing everything I used to do I know scanner sounds crazy but it's not magic it's just a TENS unit a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator healthcare professionals have been using tens unit since the 70s scanner is just a version from Russia that's programmable and uses biofeedback I know there's a bunch of people online making outrageous claims about skiing but it did help me in my recovery if you want to use scanner you got to know how to use it or it probably won't work so ask pa Lathrop about scanner he's the only person I've met that knows what he's talking about when it comes to this
[UltraVid id=95 ]
sup everybody Andres here back with a quick video today and in today’s video I want to discuss the topic of bloating basically is something that we’ve all run into some of us might deal with it worse than others but chances are you’re vegan you’ve had to deal with this or you’re dealing with it right now there’s many different things that cause bloating but the blame on Mary talking about today
specifically is from diet and juice bloating
so when you are on a vegan plant-based diet chances are you’re getting a lot more fiber than you would have been getting from a regular on omnivorous diet how many extra fiber in your diet can help fill up your gut and give you that distended abdomen resulting in that bloated look another reason could be that you’re eating foods that very very gassy food or when they’ve frozen when they break down release a lot of gas for example beans and obviously you know if you’re into fitness you’re into health and you’re trying to get your protein for the day beans can be an essential part of your diet and you could be eating a lot more beans than the average person I’ve one have around 480 grams of beans a day and trust me I feel the effects of those I can be getting quite gassy sometimes and can be quite bloated but I have a few tips and tricks there sharing two guys today that can help with our reducing the bloating and reducing the gas in us tip number one is to have a cocktail of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice with a little bit of water drink that two to three times a day before eating maybe 10 to 30 minutes before eating what they can do it is that can help relieve some of that bloodiness the way it actually works is by drinking concoction you can help stimulate the body to produce more acid in the stomach therefore helping you create better digestion tip number two is to go and get yourself some digestive enzymes I haven’t tried these yet but I am wanting to try these you can get them from websites like I heard I’ll put a link down in the description below if you get grabbed digestive enzymes or things like HCl and pepsin I’ve read good reviews on those and they’re supposed to help with bloating and gas you miss a lot another thing is to watch your fiber intake you know you could be getting a lot more fiber than you need to in your diet so go have a look at your diet and to calculate the fire but in it if you’re getting a lot more than you need you might need to reduce or change your diet a little bit just to remove some of the excess fiber to help with some of that bloating tip number four is to stay hydrated drinking a lot of water can help reduce bloating this you would think would actually do the opposite and actually bloat you but by drinking more water your body is going to excrete more fluid so the more fluid you intake the more fluid comes out of you which can help reduce that puffiness and upload Earnest so drink your water I’ve also read their drinking water at least half an hour before eating a meal can also help improve digestion as well but don’t drink water while you’re eating just take sips while you’re eating because drinking water while eating will increase bloatedness and you don’t want that okay so don’t do that another thing is if you’re new to a vegan diet it might take your body several months to actually adjust in the change of diet your body is not used to being on a wholly plant-based diet so you need to give your body time to adjust to the change so you know you might only be a couple weeks in a couple months in and you still get imploded and yes give it time I’ve been vegan for six months now I still suffer from a little bit of gas a little bit of lightness but no way near as much as what I used to suffer from when I first started so it’s just one of those things patience patience patience but anyway I hope you guys learned something from the video if you have any other tips or treats leave them in the comments down below and don’t forget to give this video a thumbs up subscribe if you haven’t already and I’ll see you guys in the next video [Music]
Vegan Bodybuilding Meal Prep | 170g Protein
[UltraVid id=91 ]hey guys Andres here back in another video and in today's video I'm going to taking you through a full meal prep haven't done one of these videos report assembly something brand-new for you guys so stick around and I hope you enjoy it so I'm about to do my meal prep video but I don't have any flaxseed meal and that is a staple of my breakfast diet so I'm going to go for a ride down to Sid market and get myself some flaxseed meal yeah boy [Music] so what's the first thing that we're going to do so for the start of our meal prep before we do anything what we want to do is we want to get two pans on the hot plate now and when I switch them on to around about a medium-high heat next step is when we get out of and set on to about 200 degrees all right we get one beat oven tray forward up and ready to go the oven is on the pans are on so let's get into it obviously we need some calves what we're going to do in our cooking is my so three cups of rice and I'm from eight cups of water and put cougar on and let that cook okay for what I have here for my meals are a couple of different options for frozen veggies these ones are going to be for meal throughout the day and this is going to be for dinner what we're going to do with both these there's two pans that we tucked on before we're going to put these in there and we're going to stir fry them up quite simply get your packet of frozen veg and empty it into one can [Music] next thing we have is we have three days where the tofu and you're having 300 grams each day and instead of frying these up what are we going to be doing he's cutting them up putting them on the baking tray and then chop them in the oven so let's get into it [Music] you [Music] and all right so tofu is ready we'll let that cool down here for a while before you start plating it up right now the veggies are cooked we're going to let them sit here and rest for a while the tofu is cooled down and if they do come down and the rice is still cooking what we can do is we can start assembling our breakfast so let's get into that now so this is where you will need three containers because we're doing three days worth of food you need to sell some quick oats some flaxseed meal three bananas and some cinnamon so the first step is we're going to be weighing out 50 grams of oats for me [Music] next step once we've done that is we're going to be weighing at 60 grams of ground flaxseed meal permeate [Music] the next thing I do is we're going to add some cinnamon the amount can be as much as you want or as little as you want I like to just do it by eye [Music] so basically what we have here is we have three days worth of breakfast and I'm going to be showing you how to actually eat this meal in a second so the way this meal you actually eat it is you take your dry mix the add in about one cup water or one cup of plain milk of your choice and mix it together make sure that you scrape the sides as you want to put it in the microwave for about one and a half to two minutes alright now that that's cooked for about a minute and a half the consistency is a lot thicker just give it a bit of a mix you can have this cold you don't have to microwave it I like to microwave because I like to have a warm breakfast especially for those winter mornings all right so the next step is we're going to add the banana so get your banana and simply just chop it in however you want and then what I like to do is I like to mash the banana voila and that is breakfast next step is going to be play up or dishing up the beans or our pre-workout and post-workout meals now what I'm going to be doing is the two cans of being this at a time and we have one can of black beans one can cure business so what we're going to do with the first one we're going to add 240 grams 2 mini 240 the first one and then Chuck in more mass now to shout the remaining beans in the same fashion and we're going to continue prepping the rest of the meals now that we have all the beans sorted out what I'm going to do is distribute that tired stir fry veggie mix I have into three of these it's going to be for the dinners [Music] you [Music] but while we wait for that rice to finish cooking let's get on to lunch all right so this is going to be my second meal of the day and it's going to be tofu with stir-fried veggies so the other the other veggies that I had stir fine what we're going to do is going to distribute them evenly into three meals all right now that sound what we're going to do is we're going to add our tofu and we add in 150 grams each meal now because I've kept it nice and simple when I was cooking down what I prepped it before I cooked it it's going to be easy got my three stacks 150 grams each she's going to cut off a little bit more and add into each meal [Music] now this meal might seem like a small meal but I use it as a filler just between breakfast and my lunch I'm just going to be a very simple meal it's going to be a salad what we're going to do is we're going to put it together but we're not going to prep it fully because it is a salad if you prep it a few days ahead it's not going to last as well the spinach is going to wilt down avocado is going to go Brown so what we're going to do is we're going to assemble parts of it and put it in containers and then what you can do is the morning of is then you can fully prep it from there so step is we're going to get our spinach and distribute it even now of course before you add your tofu to the screen chelation eat okra has been fully cooled down or else it's going to wilt it too much except is going to add apps Milo's we just added in to each one but we won't cut it up just yet so what you want to do is you want to cut it up the night before with the tahini what what you can do is just chuck in a spoonful now and when you are ready to eat it mix it in [Music] you what we want to do is we can add some black pepper and of course some salt [Applause] what I also add to this before I am race eat it is old dress of I'll cut up the avocado mix it in there and I also add in some apple cider vinegar just gives a little bit more Tang and that is lunch done now that our rice is done cooking we can start distributing it to the rest of our meals so we'll get into that now all right so what we're going to do is we're going to add the rice into the milk so trying to 50 grams pre-workout and 200 grams post-workout and then we have it there is our pre-workout and post-workout meals for three days done and then we have it three days worth of meals all prepped and ready to go we've got a breakfast our second meal we've got our pre-workout you've got a post-workout and we've got our lunch all ready to go I hope you guys enjoyed today's video and I hope this helped you with your meal prep giving you a few ideas anything like that if you have any other great meal ideas of great recipes or ways to prep please leave them down in comments section below or is love getting messages from you guys and yeah don't forget to Like comment subscribe and I'll see you guys in the next video [Music] you
[UltraVid id=86 ]then I could feel that all right I'm here with the maid days going to get some skin our treatment never had it before don't know anything about it he's going to explain what it is and how it works you okay scanner it's electronic pulse frequency healing what you do is you place it and you work the device on the on the area of this that's causing pain so pain management area yeah or post surgery as well okay so my tricep is it give me a bit of a niggle so I'm going to work that today yeah and what it does is it picks up damaged nerve endings so which is always the case in pain management areas so we're thinking with very stimulating those damaged nerve endings to your central nervous system in turn turns on your body's own healing switches in the brain so it's it's it re recognizes it's got an injury there to go and do it on its own rapid healing okay cool developed by the Russian space agency in the 80s for their astronauts and space for when they do it themselves yeah and they don't have medications they can treat it and heal it interesting awesome awesome for oh yeah right ice alright so we just I just need your arm relaxed yep okay and I'm going to be getting here yep so the first thing we do is turn the device on okay and we're going to I'm going to place it on your skin these are unrealistic lip folks on your skin and we're just going to get a free you're going to start turning the frequency up okay yeah we want to find a frequency that you can tolerate you don't want to start biting your skin or clarify it needs to stay comfortable so it will work regardless but I will see the higher the better the frequency ceiling that yeah I can fill out is it comfortable yeah okay can manage that okay we'll just keep we'll keep tuning it up because I want it to get to a point where you go out okay okay kill that like most it's none if you feel like pulsing in down my arm like you've got a high tolerance tolerance yeah very high it's gone on me still not too high yeah that's right Wow yeah I mean I love like deep tissue massage and yep so yeah like that but get hang it high to get me yeah yeah yeah skew yeah a little bit more I think yeah I think there we go yeah that there yeah feels quite like hot you know yeah so the first thing we do is cool brushing yep so and you can hear the device working yeah I feel that – hi now he's dying right already oh really – it's not – fine we'll just use the muscles ha ha mr. pain tolerance and team getting our max readings yes right on damaged nerve endings and waking them up Dyson can go anything that can go past 30 seconds where an addendum 7 ends so just so it just does it by itself basically it yeah man yep totally appropriate amount of time yeah well like with the brushing effect we've just finished doing we found the sticking points here which is the dermis no benning's it's drawn to them so it will stick to the skin and then that gives us our dosing points as well yeah decent good dose in email okay yes all right I'm back now from a first scan our treatment Dave I think it went well I already notice that way our whole arm felt so much lighter afterwards it's a weird sort of feeling but I'll show you the points that we worked on so worked on this point here around my former my bicep was getting a lot of pain around there also you really see but on my wrist here all around was getting really high readings we worked out well and all on my hands my hand was just like killing me so worked on my whole palm and the pain area that I went there for which was on my tricep erm I said well they work red will also work around there but all these other areas were getting readings so it's all linked basically if you have an issue or a pain somewhere it's all linked the whole arm is linked area length shoulders back chest so we isolated these areas and the Machine sounds that they were problem areas with this tension nerve endings so we worked all them well and yeah right now I can feel that my arm feels a lot lighter and just a lot more relaxed so we said to give it a few days and then let them know how it feels and we'll go from there to see whether I need more treatment or not but so that means no training back tonight like I was going to Train Lakes instead and then like the next half that is my resting so it works so well but anyway I'll keep you guys updated and let you know how it's going yeah it's pretty interesting to to get the sort of treatment so I know nothing about I've never really heard of it but like I said I'll keep you guys updated and see how it goes from there
Vegan Bulking Diet | What I ate today
[UltraVid id=83 ][Music] sup everybody Andres here back with another video now Saturday it's 12:00 in the afternoon lunch time I haven't eaten anything today I've been fasting all day all I've had is two copies and it's time for my first meal what I'm going to have is I'm going to have some tofu and have some spinach I'm going to make a salad some extra veggies some tahini avvocato going to have some some good protein some good fats and some good five of plenty of micronutrients there alright so here is part of my lunch today I've got in here pretty shit loading so baby spinach one small of akkad o one tomato about 1/3 of a cucumber some purple kale some apple cider vinegar salt pepper and little dabs of unhulled tahini which is full of calcium if you get the hold you get no calcium so get the unhold and you get plenty of calcium and for my protein oh that's hot I got my tofu cooking away and add in there about 150 grams no I'm going to add 300 grams in there we're going all out today that's what 300 grams of hard tofu looks like that's going in there I'm going to eat that and then I'm going to rest to let that digest all right so for my second meal of the day which is also my pre-workout meal and as you can see I've got kidney beans and white rice with a little bit of soy sauce 240 grams of kidney beans and 250 grams of rice this is going to go down a treat then we're going to go hit the gym after I eat this all right guys so bag is packed pre-workout ready and we're going to go train some back oh fuck and now I look jacked damn that's right bulking season baby look at the legs yeah boy legs a bit white but still looking good all right all right time to go [Music] [Music] aha I'm hungry some just driving back from the gym now on my way to get a feed and I've just turned onto the highway and it looks like there's been some accident or something just don't get why people I like not paying attention when they're when they're driving what I like they like on their phone or snapchatting or recording vlogs or something you know it's just I mean come on man so I just got home as you can see I went to Guzman and Gomez haven't been there for a while but these guys this place used to be like most staple cheap night when I was not a vegan and I loved that I would go there every Friday and get like nachos and a burrito and I chose an enchilada or an enchilada and a burrito and I won't like the reason that I like them so much was because of the meat they said they gave you a lot of meat and being a bodybuilder I was a big meat-eater but since I'm now vegan I haven't gone that as much but the food still tastes amazing what I did get is I got a veggie and squawk burrito and veggie mild veggie nachos both no cheese of course and nachos you're going to get it you're going to get it and I've also got some beef free chunks which I'm going to cook up over there we're going to toss them on top of my nachos so I want to keep them nice and warm for now and I'm going to start cooking this soon this stuff how to before is pretty good it is made from soy protein macros si trainer to zoom in properly right per 100 grams you got 20 grams of protein 8 point 8 grams of fat and 44 grams of carbs so pretty high caloric food but pretty good meat substitute pretty tasty something a little bit different get some extra protein in my direction [Music] [Music] whereas there had more dinner which was the nachos and burrito salud gum have the best tortillas out of anyone over the discuss soft and tasty but anyway of course no gimmick is complete without dessert right so the dessert I have this year which is the worst afraid of contains our first intent on being in so this is the next best thing and they are delicious you haven't tried these ones already do yourself a favor go to bullies go to the health food or gluten-free section and get these because these are vegan they also do a rinse loss and an Oreo versions that are baviaan are targeted by any way whether it's destroyed this packet of chocolatey biscuity goodness [Music] you [Music] thanks for watching guys don't forget to Like comment share subscribe and I'll see you guys in the next video [Music] you [Music]
Dr. McCord – The Scientist Behind Protandim
[UltraVid id=79 ]Dr. McCord – The Scientist Behind Protandim- Chronic Fatigue – Scientific review and http://www.lifevantage.com/edwardnoa. The future of nutrition. Call Dr. Ed Noa at 707-718-2036. http://www.doctornoa.com. Get Dr. Noa’s new book – Doctor You – Overcoming the Sick & Tired Styndrome:
FFID Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, IBS & Depression. Amazon – Kindle
2441 Imola Napa Cal 94558
Dr. Joe Milton McCord, PhD. was born March 3, 1945. He is an internationally known biochemist who as a graduate student, he and his senior professor, Dr. Irwin Fridovich Ph.D, were the first discover the enzymatic activity of superoxide dismutase. Dr. McCord is involved with LifeVantage Corporation – makers of Protandim, TrueScience and Canine Health since 2006.
Dr. McCord received his B.S. degree in chemistry from Rhodes College (graduated in1966) and a Ph.D. in biochemistry from Duke University (graduated in 1970).
Curriculum vita
Dr. McCord has held biochemistry faculty positions at Duke University Medical Center, University of South Alabama, and the University of Colorado Denver.
Protandim is an all natural product is scientifically proven to decrease the oxidative stress of an adult by an average of 40% (Free Radical Biology, 2006), that of an
infant. 14 peer-reviewed scientific studies (go to PubMed (http://www.pubmed.org)
and write in Protandim), 4 patents and a Nrf2 activator.
The ingredient synergy is proven. A proprietary blend of 5 herbs – green tea, tumeric, milk thistle, ashwaganda and bacopa that is 18 times more effective than the herbs used alone.
Scientific studies that have been and are being studied at such research institutions such as University of Colorado, Denver Health Medical Center, Children’s Hospital, Denver, Virginia Commonwealth University, Colorado State, University of Florida, University of Kentucky, University of Michigan,Ohio State University, Vanderbilt University, Glamorgan University-Wales, Sahlgrenska University Hospital- Gotbor-Swedon, University Hospital,Brno, Czech Republic and Mexican Institute of Social Se
curity, Mexico City.
Protandim Review http://www.lifevantage.com/edwardnoa. The future of nutrition.
Call Dr. Ed Noa at 707-718-2036.
http://www.doctornoa.com. Get Dr. Noa’s new book – Doctor You – Overcoming the Sick & Tired Styndrome:
FFID Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, IBS & Depression. Amazon – Kindle
2441 Imola Napa Cal 94558