Acupuncture with Cosmodic, ENART: pain relief without pain

[UltraVid id=10 ]With this brilliant technology you will easily and quickly master Chinese medicine. How to buy
5 factors why and how to use Cosmodic, ENART devices in Acupuncture


We advise medical practitioners who deal with reflexotherapy to include the biofeedback electro-pulse devices to their practice without any hesitations. This will allow you to acquire new, more advanced level of treatment of various diseases and to manage even in the most complicated cases.

And if you are enthusiasts of natural healing, Cosmodic, ENART biofeedback devices will help you to help yourself, your friends and relatives in pain relief. With this brilliant technology you will easily master Chinees medicine.

Amazing things and how to do it with your SCENAR, ENART 911 or DENAS microcurrent |

[UltraVid id=7 ]

Hey, my name is Benedick Howard talking about ENART 911 electrical stim units from Russia for all sorts of body type situations.

In the 1970s this device was invented by a doctor Karasev just about the same times that the tunes that led tens units were invented however he kept on working with it introduced the most sophisticated microcurrent biofeedback systems and now we have a whole bunch of manufacturers making these units labeled SCENAR self-controlled energy electrical neuro adaptive regulations, it’s a mouthful I know, an ENART is an acronym for electrical neuro adaptive regulation.

The results are similar to what they achieved in the clinical studies in the 1980s on eighteen thousand two hundred fifty five people they had an eighty eight point two five percent curate overall.

In the musculoskeletal group is basically a hundred percent so please enjoy my videos and any further questions I’m there for you my name is Benedick Howard Aloha and comment below …

Headache – pain relief in 5 minutes with ENART

[UltraVid id=5 ]с вами доктор плитки
как захарович и сегодня снова хотел
рассказать вам оптика импульсный крепкий о применении приборов
электроимпульсной терапии в частности
прибора она 900 агентства при
изучении головных болей вернее не при
лечении а при их проект помощи при
головной боли потому что причины головной боли могут
быть разными и лечения потребуется
длительная я говорю о тех случаях когда
головная боль в кекаве под самый
неподходящий момент вам нужно снимать
какими то диамант импульс рар
нормализовать свое состояние без
таблеток или различных других нежели различных
других метод который не так полезны для
нашего здоровья для этого очень хорошо
подходит прибор пинать 911 а я говорю сейчас по
одной пулей клоуны и песочной локализации
наиболее частые области и возникает у
нас не возникает головная боль берем приборов ставим режим как вам сталин частоту 60 есть
один пакет 1 то есть импульс в пакете это
активе параметры которые
применяли явно не очень хорошо работает возможно проект ориентирован
найдете какие то своей партии я говорю
о своем полки есть такая точка она
находится пакета посредине бродить
чуть ближе может быть переносится выходит на судне синих
деточка тройничного нерва плотно эту
точку маттин будем воздействует может
она немного смочить водой не лучшего контакты
волей быстрого эффекта вот если бы придумать ставлю на эту игру и начинаем понемногу
увеличивается мощность воздействия год в атаку
достаточно то есть какие должны быть
сообщения я начинаю чувствовать бандиты идет об этом
не менее идет от точки
водителя к макушке и на висок то есть так как
проходит тот мир в котором я
говорил и вот когда мы
почувствовали это расстояние от киева
вот какой позиции лет мы держим прибор от
пяти до десяти минут с каждой стороны и как правило после
этого боль уходит человек чувствует
себя нормально в итоге области
возникает небольшое волнение которое тут
может быть через 5 10 минут проходит и
головная боль проходит то что я применял
отличилось себе много раз когда возникает
головная мне это помогает
будем надеяться что этот метод будет
полезным пикалево всего доброго и
будьте здоровы

Review: ENART 911 and SCENAR Professional Which Device Do You Need? |

[UltraVid id=6 ]Insider’s information about the Scenar and ENART. We worked with both of them. ENART 911 biofeedback device

Scenar Professional (Scenar Prof)
– comparison of functions, usability and prices.

This is brief comparative characteristics, a review of the biofeedback devices. Review was made of Linskiy Igor Zacharievich. Doctor who has been working with electropulse devices for over 10 years.

What the prices and how to buy SCENAR or ENART 911?

Back pain – pain relief in 5 minutes with ENART

[UltraVid id=2 ]драфте сложнее
доктора клиники или захарович и в этом
ролике я покажу лечение боли в
пояснице вот пришел человек жалобы объект
на поле появился в отделе я покажу как
ского счет прибора ринат 901 антей но так
новая версия это происходит
лечения какие новые нужно обрабатывать первое потом говорит что
болит где то в этой области я
ставлю прибор вымпелком итак руб
долл он смартфон функции
диагностики или вот первое то есть если папа этом
нет тобой три сигнала три сигнал случайность
аудитории то есть это было самая
приоритетная их перед тех которые губят
которым и предстоит представляли прибор прибор полковнику
чтобы был единый бренд который более
приоритетные и на технологии и египте ярким души усиливая в опеке над и ждут до нуля будет
первый сигнал внимание всем тем кто
долго фактически науки то есть и
обрабатывать до нуля потом так как дети
наиболее и причина я перехожу в
режим вот это оптимальная
система отбора прибор показал но я не буду до конца
бежать а просто покажу принцип с помощью меню я
перехожу к ближним эксимбанк мощный режим как раз
при болях приват поливных и обрабатывать режиме
с конвоем и вот можно
обрабатывать не 10 и 20 и 30 минут пока учеными
человек нет мы как бы сказали что будет него
уменьшилось с этим понятно но после этого он я отрабатываю
пессимистичную долл точно так же в режиме
утешить него передумать тут нахожусь здесь
симметричным дому и апробацию можно до
минимально эффективная доза их
можно долго последняя не
позвоночник кишечник вот и наш клуб тоже
помог обрабатываю в режиме пекхэм до
выборов можно переключиться на
прикарпатье тоже поработать 5 10
минут каждый год мы
закончили теперь стоят нужно работы по сбору
которая будет усиливать в пакете я в данном случае
выбирают пентагона шейк она очень часто
связано так как у нас ведь нет и чехии крикета
связаны между собой две позвоночный столб зона шеи точно так же могли
уходить 3d режим а.м нахожу в ней точки приоритетами
для обработки от одной из них обрабатывая ее до
нуля дальше по пока будем
поддерживать по закону в 4 9 срок мы вернулись обработали шихаб
работа решают потом можно перейти в
режим карповым с помощью меню прямом вот я прихожу режим
констант и апробацию в движении вот таким образом пшель медиа это будет
вторая волна детей еще бы эко подъезда и так режим который
показывает новые приоритетные для
обработки и движений путем могу
продемонстрировать мы ставим только так его видел он приводит сразу вот с total по правовому
приоритет в трубке по которому уже
находили в режиме это об этом сообщает regnum о
сработке из за снижения после этого третий
этап а я прошу пациента
перевернулся во первых в киеве поработали
животом нашел 2 3 посмотреть впереди
и наоборот то есть очень часто эта
проблематика боли в пояснице дают
альберту проблема каких то внутренних
органов я перехожу в режим в режиме ч купили тем для
работает с внутренними года водки на каму в голы и обработки в область
печени вот как показала в области охраны тот же самый эксперт
все его имущество потому что да и работают но мы не будем
дожидаться пока будет число впереди будут еще долго да только за два года
произошло столкновение обрабатываем
обрабатываем ее дальше можно перейти в режим
как тут частота шымкент обработать в движении внизу перечень это знают общий дом
она усиливает произошедшее правда идти вместе с
инфекцией то есть на это можно
потратить еще там 3 5 минутах экспорт принятое на процент надо будет телом мы
можем закончить вот так все и было так
принцип лечение более поэтому полиэтничная
области всего доброго спасибо
за внимание

ENART 907 Specifications

ENART 907 is a multiple-purpose device, which offers the best of both SCENAR and PROLOGUE devices with upgradeable levels that can be unlocked (for a price) at a later date making it ideal for individual/family, semi-professional and professional use.

The ENART 907 can be set at three levels:

  1. level 0 – individual/family
  2. level 1 – semi-professional
  3. level 2 – professional use

The difference between the three levels is as follows:
The L0 option is for home use, has 4 modes without the means for adjustment of the output pulse parameters, making it simple to use.
The L1 option is a semiprofessional model, it has 8 modes with the means for adjustment of the output pulse parameters including the parameter of the First-Phase Pulse Amplitude.
The L2 option is a professional model, it has 16 modes with the possibility of adjustment of parameters of the output pulse.
ENART 907 Modes

In the existing devices with the biofeedback the first-phase rectangular pulse amplitude remains unchanged, while the second-phase oscillating pulse amplitude varies in accordance with the body’s response to the influence of the device.

Many practitioners who use several different models of ENART, SCENAR and Prologue devices have noticed that each particular model is most effective for different specific conditions.
For instance, some devices are more efficient in treating musculoskeletal disorders while others are best used for internal organs; still others are more effective for treating diseases of the nervous system, etc.
The latest studies have shown that these specific healing effects are more dependent on the level of the first-phase pulse amplitude.
Each particular device model features its own specific level of the first-phase pulse amplitude, which ranges in value from 10V for some early models to 70V in some of the latest models.
Until now this level has always been a strictly specific factory setting that could not be adjusted by the practitioner.
Now, for the first time, with the ENART 907 device (levels L1 and L2), the practitioner can adjust the first-phase pulse amplitude within the range of 25V to 80V.
By allowing the practitioner to adjust the first-phase pulse amplitude the ENART 907 can more effectively treat the whole range of diseases/injuries with only one device.
The customer/practitioner will now only have to buy one device to treat the whole range of diseases rather than having to buy different devices in order to treat different specific diseases.

Basic Specifications:

Furnished with basic features of a professional device; easily adaptable to a simplified model for personal/family use and v.v.;
Provides express analysis of the treatment area;
Applies minimum energy level to use on supersensitive areas (tongue, genitals) and on children;

The new mode AMVar with the device ENART 907-L2 allows any user not only to appoint amplitude of the first phase of impulse, but also to set deviation of amplitude of the first phase of impulse in a necessary range, that is not present in any of similar devices.

• ENART 907 (L1 and L2) has the potential to decrease the power consumption and to increase the service life period of power batteries (ECONOM).

• ENART 907 (L1 and L2) has the capability to adjust Sensitivity of the device (SENS).

Function SENS (sensitivity) ensures the possibility to use the device on people with any type of skin, as well as on any parts of the body, whereas before at times it was impossible.

For instance, sometimes it is difficult for the device to track contact (on very dry or coarse skin), which makes work on such parts IMPOSSIBLE.

In some cases in order to establish contact the user has to press the device very hard against the skin.

Or sometimes when applying the device onto a specific skin or very moist skin, the device tracks the contact with the skin even without touching it (in some distance away from it).

Now this problem is solved by means of adjustment of the parameter “SENSITIVITY”, which makes action of the device adequate in each particular case, substantially broadens capabilities of the practitioner as well as facilitates the practitioner’s labor.

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ENART 907 - the world's second best SCENAR
ENART 907 – the world’s second best SCENAR

The ENART 907 represents the world’s most advanced electrical stim biofeedback device, and way beyond the original SCENAR or later COSMODIC type devices.

The ENART 907 is furnished with basic features of a professional device; easily adaptable to personal/family use.

By allowing the practitioner to adjust the first-phase pulse amplitude the ENART 907 can more effectively treat the whole range of diseases/injuries with only one device.

I bought the 907M with the three rail design at the same time as the 911M. Like the new 907 it is a simpler automatic version of the 911 without the diagnostics screen or the infra low frequencies.

While the ENART 911 is the flagship device from ENART developed by specialists at CCC Invet independently without Doctor Karasev the ENART 907 is the less costly alternative, but still simply amazing:)

In 2008 and just before the original 911M launch (the predecessor of the 911) I had a dream about a new ENART SCENAR which manifested a few months later as the 911M.  In the dream it had different ranges of frequency sweeps and superior what I call transverse “skinning”, but in actuality it was just one of many new features one which emulate previous popular ENART and SCENAR models.

I use a lot of different SCENARs in my practice and I love the 3 rail electrode option of the 907 and it surpasses the performance of the COMODIC SCENARs and RITM. Soon I will update the video with the 911 and 907 unboxing.

So the 907 is an amazing unit especially for both professionals and non professionals, and the various modes I talk about in the 911M video are good for any emergency imaginable, awesome power (if and when you need it), and so many programmable functions that you might get easily lost, but not with my videos and coaching!

For the techies out there reading this the “engine” or chip in the 911 can emulates several SCENAR models by adjusting the first phase voltage, or how the loud the signal talks with various tissues.

See the 907 specifications

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ENART 911 Specifications

As an ex development for GE I really appreciate what it takes to conceive, develop and manufacture a new product. In some case years of work, and in rare cases like this it is the culmination of decades of experience to quickly restore the body with the most sophisticated bio electrical engineering on the planet.

Once again the development specialists at CCC Invet combined this technical know how with user feedback from across the planet further improving on the COSMODIC.

The ENART 911M engine and now updated in the the ENART 911 make it even easier to use and to further improve upon the electrical interface with living organisms.

Here are the new modes or settings that have been incorporated:

MCONST (for models 911-L1 and 911-L2)
– For the treatment of wounds and other injuries of skin
– for use with electrodes of the device and with remote electrodes in the skin areas where it is difficult to establish a sufficient contact with skin (for example, thick hair)
– User is slowly repositioning the Device over the skin surface (moving it at a steady speed) or keeps it stationary at the range of 0,5 cm above the surface of the treated area pre-setting the maximum value of the treatment energy;
-the sufficient time of the treatment is determined by User themselves.
-the device signals the end of the optimal time of treatment in the treated area (in about 30 minutes).

EM (in 911-L2):
This mode is used for treating a wide range of conditions, both chronic and acute.

• The value of Frequency automatically changes according to the body response to treatment at the moment of each particular skin contact.
• The Device produces three short tones at the sites where additional specific treatment is needed.
•Determines maximal sufficient time of treatment at each particular position of the Device electrode on the skin.

IF (only in 911-L2):
This mode is used to reinforce therapeutic effect, eliciting resonance in malfunctioned organs. I.e., with help of infra low frequencies it “shows” the organ its normal working frequency, “adjusts” it.

A positive effect is achieved by using several frequencies in one treatment program.

This allows to regulate purposefully the activity of the specific CNS (central nervous system) structures and, as a result, to elicit more rapid and stable healing effect.

User may apply infralow frequencies (like the DiaDENS PCM – see my video…) according to the table attached to User Manual (where the resonance frequencies for different organs and systems are mentioned about.

Below you will find other new technical data of the device 911:

In addition to the 17 treatment modes user has the opportunity to create their own of treatment programs and save them in the memory of the device – up to 20 programs, and in previous versions there were 10 of them.

In devices 907 and 911 we’ve worked out a new advancement — SENSITIVITY function (SENS), which allows the user to adjust sensitivity of the device in accordance with such factors as condition of the skin surface (individual peculiarities, moistness, sensitiveness), psycho-emotional condition of the patient, environmental conditions, etc.

Now you won’t have problems with tracking the contact as it is possible to adjust sensitivity of the device in accordance with each particular case.

ENART 911 Specifications 1
ENART 911 Specifications 2

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ENART 911 the worlds best SCENAR

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The ENART 911 represents the world’s most advanced electrical stim microcurrent biofeedback device, and many years beyond the original SCENAR or later COSMODIC type devices.

NOW the new ENART 911 AND my coaching puts the power in your hands, and off the medical treadmill. Exclusively when you purchase from me.

In 2008 and just before the original 911M launch (the predecessor of the 911) I had a dream about a new ENART which manifested a few months later as the 911M.  In the dream it had different ranges of frequency sweeps and superior what I call transverse “skinning”, but in actuality it was just one of many new features.

The ENART 911, is the flagship device from ENART developed by specialists at CCC Invet independently without Doctor Karasev.  While undeniably the sleek lines of the old “ex735 slider x2” are legendary combining Star Trek wizardry with beauty but the new 911 model brings in greater range of application, model design functionality and 3 built in electrode design choices of which the three rail design is my favorite.

I use a lot of different SCENARs in my practice and I love the engine in the ENART 911 and it FAR surpasses the COSMODIC SCENARs, RITM and even the new 24 program automated DENAS PCM 6 device.

I have personally used the ENART 911 since 2009 and for certain situations in a busy practice it is my preferred device and at home too. If you have followed my work over the years you will know that I use the much simpler now discontinued DENAS most of the time.  However no other device touches the feel of the signal, the speed and read-ability of diagnostics mode of the ENART 911 with its large display and 3 rail electrodes.

So the ENART 911 is an amazing unit especially for professionals, and the various modes I talk about in the video are good for any emergency imaginable, awesome power (if and when you need it), and so many programmable functions that you might get easily lost, but not with my videos and coaching!

For the techies out there reading this the “engine” or chip in the 911 can emulates several SCENAR models by adjusting the first phase voltage, or how the loud the signal talks with various tissues.

– ENART 911 is set to adjust the first-phase pulse amplitude
– 5/15 basic stimulation modes – see specifications for L1 and L2
– Adjustable settings of modes of treatment that are effective for managing a wide range of health problems
– Sensitivity adjustment of the device accordingly to each particular case

– Saving programs of influence created by user
that gets you up and running, less hassle more healing and greater confidence.

143 x 63/43 x 30/24 mm.
Weight: 175 grams

Professional Training and Executive Wellness Coaching 

The professional ENART 911 training will guide you through application strategies so that you maximize the benefits of your investment to work with self and others confidently, every time.
The Executive wellness coaching gives you live one on one wellness coaching support beyond the professional application training with a 90 day commitment, and ongoing monthly membership.

Contact me through the signup link at the top of the page.